Saturday 14 October 2017

Psychology can help find love

Love, aaahhhhhhhh
One of the most hotshot topics in the world and one of my favorite topics to have a talk upon.
So, most of us find ourselves fall in love someway or the other, by love here I mean the girlfriend boyfriend kind of love, the kind of love where initially one gets attracted to the other person and gradually wants to spend their entire life together.


I am going to show here how you can link love, attraction to psychology and help find yourself at the right spot. There is a handsome link between psychology and the world in which we experience things. 

Let me first explain things with an example which one can more relate to in day to day life. Why is that a person into gambling business gets so so addicted to it and finds it so hard to get out it even though he seldom wants to play more.
Getting more into the roots of psychology; if we receive two things, one at a regular interval and other at irregular intervals than, we tend to expect the thing to come just next moment when it is coming irregularly, but he tend to ignore the thing which didn't show up this time though it was coming in regular intervals. Getting a grasp of something? 

Let me get back to gambling, in this business, the person who starts with gambling is allowed to win initially at irregular intervals, but then he is not made to win for a long time but still the person hopes that the next time he is going to win. And thus he becomes addicted. 
This is how important regular and irregular things are.


Now trying to associate the psychological principles with love. When we get attracted to someone we usually look for signs if they love us too. Now at this very moment we notice the other person smile at us. Gosssshhhhh. Life is set.

But here is the trick. We can get confused if the person really likes us or not. If the person passes the smile at regular intervals, we would expect them to smile regularly in future too, but if they don't we can think that they might not be interested in us.
But, if the person is passing the smile at irregular intervals, we tend to expect that they would pass the smile just the next time, and we keep waiting endlessly even though the person is disinterested in us.
Very cool, isn't it?

So, next time someone smiles at you, do keep a check on the psychological principles.

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  1. Great article!. Psychology is almost linked with everything.

    1. Hello beauty Blogger.
      Thank you for the appreciation.
      Yes, psychology can be linked with every aspect and the fact that it is still in growing phase makes it even more exciting.
      Here is another post one how psychology can shape our mind, do give it a read. Share if you like the posts.
